The Relax Estate

Boost Your Business and Income by Helping Clients Protect Their Assets

We partner exclusively with you, to enhance value and maximize compensation from your current client base.

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Interested in boosting your revenue without acquiring new customers?

Complete a quick business readiness scorecard to explore how AI assistance can help you expand your business through added client services.

Upon completion, you will receive the free ebook-
“The Top 7 AI Tools for Business Professionals”

Interested in boosting your revenue without acquiring new customers?

Complete a quick business readiness scorecard to explore how AI assistance can help you expand your business through added client services.

Upon completion, you will receive the free ebook-
The Top 7 AI Tools for Business Professionals

Our companies have been seen on

Scale your business by guiding clients through estate planning effortlessly in-house

Your clients value

Your clients value your expertise and professional. Simplify their estate planning process.

Trusted Solutions

Your clients trust you as their trusted professional. Leverage the trust you’ve already built by saving them money and increasing your revenue.

Your Clients' QB

Even without completing a pass you quarterback your client’s financial life. Add estate planning as a hands off service to grow you business.

Estate Planning software designed for trusted professionals

Your clients trust you with their finances. By adding this in-house service, you can avoid the pain of referring them to someone else and ensure you profit from your ongoing relationship.

Every decision you make enhances your value to your clients. As their trusted professional own the total relationship while growing your practice.

The Relax Estate will help grow your business

High-quality Estate Planning documents without the hefty price tag

We offer Trust-Based Estate plans starting at $500 and Will-Based plans starting for $200. This low cost service adds value to your clients.

Receive compensation for every plan your clients' create

This is your client relationship, and you should be rewarded for it. Earn up to 50% of the software’s fees for each plan your clients create.

Stay update with your clients progress

Stay up to date with the progress of your clients’ estate plan. Use the portal to view their current or any updated plans.

An automated way to grow your business using estate planning

Gain access to our software and allow your clients to receive their attorney crafted estate planning documents instantly.

Professionals training and knowledge hub

Utilize our support staff and online training. Giving you the option to be hands on or hands off with your clients.

Professional or Client driven Process

You have the flexibility to choose whether to lead the process, have a para-legal guide your clients, or provide a link for clients to drive the inputs at their own pace.

Offer a seamless service to your clients while your business expands

Relax Starter



Or Pay $250/month for 12 months

What you get


Relax Pro



Or Pay $400/month for 12 months

What you get

Relax Premier

Best Value



Or Pay $800/month for 12 months

What you get

Stay updated with news and more from The Relax Estate

    “Imagine if you could dramatically increase your profitability without adding a single new client. What if I told you that such growth is not only possible but within your grasp today? This is ongoing revenue without changing how you currently run your business.”

    Mario J Payne, CFP®


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    Talk to our experts and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.